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eu can aid! makes every effort to bring to the attention of the staff of the European Institutions inequalities worldwide as well as the problems of economic and social development.
Efforts are constantly done to make the Association better known, essentially within the European institutions, but also to a lesser degree with civil society. This in turn enables the Association to acquire new members and volunteers and thereby increase human and financial resources. It also helps to create a stronger link with its members.
The funding’s impact on beneficiaries’ quality of life and self-sufficiency as well as transparency in the distribution of the funds, are eu can aid!’s asset, which awareness raising and communication tools focus on.
Campaigns to raise awareness take diverse forms:
- Firstly, informing our audience in the overall situation of developing countries, of their specific problems and needs as well as of the importance of acting with urgency
- Secondly, awakening people’s interest in eradicating poverty and exclusion in developing countries, by becoming members and participating in our activities, thereby helping local population to become economically independent.
With a view to raising the profile of the Association within the European Institutions, different types of communication (documentation) are brought into play, specifically brochures, flyers, newsletters, articles for in-house magazines, and discussions.