Eu can aid!

Year 2017




Project: School banks

Funding awarded: € 1,500

The NGO JAEPP (Jeunesse Action pour l’Evangélisation, la Paix et le Progrès) asked for funding 45 complementary school benches after a previous project which has been achieved with a good report but funded for only half of the amount requested, which is not enough for all the pupils. The benches are constructed in the immediate area. The primary schools of six villages are the beneficiaries



Project: Building a well

Funding awarded: € 5,336

The NGO ASEP (Action Sociale pour l’Eradication de la Pauvreté) was seeking funds in order to build a well in a village without drinking water. The well will benefit to 1.200 persons. ASEP already made three similar projects with eu can aid. The 1% Fund (association of officials of the United Nations) Genève is co-financing the project’s implementation.

Click below to see the video of:  Inauguration of a well drilling and a water tower in Benin



Project: Well for gardening

Funding awarded: € 5,000

The Ngo PEH (Protection de l’Environnement et de l’Homme) was seeking funds for adapting a traditional well to gardening which will be developed by 30 women. This project will also benefit to 150 persons of their families. The sale of the vegetables will cover the maintenance of the pump.



Project: Latrines for a school

Funding awarded: € 3,240

The NGO REPTA (Réseau Education Pour Tous en Afrique) was seeking funds to construct 6 latrines in a public school with a view to reducing hydric diseases and thus absences in the school and to disseminate good practices of hygiene. It will benefit to 554 pupils, 6 teachers and around 200 neighbours. The used water will be recycled in a compost for agriculture. The latrines will be managed by a committee of pupils and teachers.

Democratic Republic of Congo


Project: Training of young hairdressers

Funding awarded: € 6,000

The Congolese association CBCA (Communauté Baptiste au Centre de l’Afrique) asked for funding the training of 46 young people in hairdressing and the necessary equipment. 35 of them are ex child soldiers and have difficulties to reintegrate social life. The 46 young have chosen the hairdresser profession as there is a demand for hairdresser services in this area.

Democratic Republic of Congo


Project: Solar plant for maternity rooms of a hospital

Funding awarded: € 4,500

The Congolese NGO SOVIP (Solidarité avec les VIctimes et pour la Paix) was seeking funds in order to install a mini plant with solar panels for 3 obstetrics rooms of a general hospital, which are dedicated to maternity, childbirth and neonatology.

The 50% of this project has been financed thanks to the generous contribution of Solar Solidarity International asbl

Democratic Republic of Congo


Project: Construction of a classroom

Funding awarded: € 5,000

The association OED (Oeuvres pour l’Enfance Défavorisée) was seeking funds for the construction of a classroom in a slum of a very poor town. This association aims at fostering education while the authorities do not pay for the buildings. The association members will bring food to the technicians who will construct the classroom

Democratic Republic of Congo


Project: Fish rearing

Funding awarded: € 3,700

ATDC (Association des Techniciens en action pour le Développement Communautaire) asked for the funding of fish rearing. It will benefit to 127 women who are widows or single mothers or have been abandoned by their husband. The fishes will be sold in the local market.

Democratic Republic of Congo

NGO: Institut de la Charité

Project: Latrines and furniture for a school

Funding awarded: € 3,700

Institut La Charité was seeking funds for constructing latrines and buying furniture (banks and chairs) for a classroom of a school of 510 pupils. The majority of children belong to families who came back after the wars in this region. Banks and chairs are now lacking. The classroom has been constructed by bricks made by the parents and the pupils.



Project: Latrines for a school

Funding awarded: € 4,900

The Malian NGO “Groupe Nature” asked for funding three latrines in a school without latrines and for a hand washing device. There will be a training for the 159 pupils and for the 20 teachers. The wastes will be in particular recycled as fertilizers for the fields. An hygiene club will survey the functioning.



Project: Well and cooking for a school

Funding awarded: € 7,000

ADESAF (Association pour le Développement Economique et Social en Afrique) asked for funding the improvement of a school of 150 pupils by constructing a canteen with a kitchen and by boring a well for potable water and another one for gardening of vegetables. The indirect beneficiaries will be the teachers, the parents and the villagers including craftsmen, farmers and local undertakers. The parents will contribute to the canteen and to the cooking.



Project: Kindergarden

Funding awarded: € 2,100

The Namibian NGO “Namibia Education & Training for Children” was seeking funds for buying equipment for a Kindergarden with a view to allow families to go to work and to give the children interest in going to school.



Project: Cattle fattening

Funding awarded: € 6,400

The Ugandan NGO BUVOCOD (Busoga Volunteers for Community Development) asked for funding the building of some hand dug water wells and of a rain water tank for a school, in a region of water crisis (droughts and poor situation of the water supply). The project aims to target 60,000 people, i.e. women, children, the elderly and the youth because they play a vital role in the provision and maintenance of water and sanitation services in the household and community. 

A generous anonymous donation contributed to the funding of this project.



Project: Water wells

Funding awarded: € 4,100

The Ugandan NGO EACO (Empower and Care Organization) was seeking funds for the repair of water wells. The project will give safe and clean water to more than 2.400 people in a rural district. It will benefit in particular to those in charge of fetching the water, i.e. mainly women and children, by shortening the distance to the nearest clean water source and giving children more time to go to school without making long journeys which might moreover be dangerous. Eu can aid financed the reparation of only one water well.



Project: Biomass recycled fuel

Funding awarded: € 3,200

The NGO UGRF (Uganda Gender Rights Foundation) was seeking funds in order to finance the equipment for producing briquettes from biomass with a view to fighting against the deforestation. Every group of 3 women will receive kits therefore and the community of 100 women and young girls will be provided with 4 presses. A training for this activity will be organized.



Project: Cattle fattening

Funding awarded: € 6,400

The Italian NGO “Arcobaleno, ponte per l’Africa” was seeking funds for the fattening of beefs. 10 beefs will be bought, and then fattened during 3 months with a view to sell them. Their sale will be used for the self-maintenance of a host house for malnourished children and orphans (about 30) and to increase the nutrition of poor boys in a school. Moreover, this activity will create work. 

A generous anonymous donation contributed to the funding of this project.




Project:  Construction of a sanitary block in a nurse school

Funding awarded: € 3,300

The Indian NGO WFW (Women for Women) is seeking funds to build a sanitary block in a nurse school of 60 girls from the poorest rural groups, and thus replace the temporary structure, which is inadequate to the needs. This NGO has experience in similar constructions.



Project:  Goats rearing

Funding awarded: € 4,200

The Indian NGO SEWAA (Social Educational and Welfare Activities Association) asked for funding the rearing of goats by 25 tribal women who live in settlements for displaced persons and who are particularly vulnerable (such as widows or in charge of disabled persons). It will indirectly benefit to 1170 persons of their families. Each woman will receive two goats without having to repay them. The rearing will more than double the revenues, which they get through occasional works. They will be coached through regular meetings.


Project:  Goats rearing
Funding awarded: € 3,500

WAG (Women Action Group) was seeking funds for empowering 31 Dalit widows in a tribal area of Tamil Nadu through goats rearing. Those women have no revenues. This will therefore also benefit to the families on which they depend economically. Every woman will receive 1 male goat and 2 females and will give back 2 kids in year 2 to the NGO which will visit them regularly. The demand for goats has increased on the market.

This project was co-financed by Association femmes d’Europe aisbl



Project:  Turkeys Rearing

Funding awarded: € 4,200

The Indian NGO EDUCATR (Education, Communication and Development Trust) asked for funding the rearing of turkeys by 30 Dalit women scavengers and further to 90 other ones by a revolving fund. It will indirectly benefit to their families. The sale of eggs and meat will much increase the revenues which they get through their usual work (collecting human excrements), after a training on rearing and marketing. They will be coached by the NGO.



Project:  Micro-credits

Funding awarded: € 5,000

The NGO NET (New Era Trust) has asked for financing a micro-credit revolving fund for 35 women whose husbands are suffering from HIV/AIDS. The micro-credit facility will be managed by a federation of beneficiaries under the supervision of the NGO. It will finance tailoring as well as chicken rearing and vegetable growing. The revolving fund will allow, with the repayments, to extend micro-credits to other poor women.



Project:  Drilling of bore wells

Funding awarded: € 5,500

The NGO Concord Trust was seeking funds in order to drill bore wells to provide potable water to 186 families in two villages. Most of them are marginal farmers and landless labourers, struggling to meet basic needs. The wells will reduce the drop out among girls at school and water borne diseases. The water will be managed by a committee.